Friday, June 19, 2009

Day 8 of Niceness: sunshine over Mid Suffolk

Starting the day in the countryside has its advantages. A cup of tea whilst you listen to the birdsong and Cincinnati takes his morning stroll around the estate and perhaps a dip into 'Today', before making one's way to the station for the 9.12 train to the big city. All very nice.

The only problem that I've encountered is getting to the station. It's about three miles to Stowmarket, and there are no buses. And no, that doesn't mean that there are no buses running past the house. There are no buses within a mile of the house, and we're surrounded by fields. Those fields have crops in, so you have to go round them.

There is talk of a little 'hoppa bus' running on a figure-of-eight route centred on Stowmarket but until then, I'm reliant on taxis and the occasional walk if I'm up to it. Thank heavens the sun is shining...

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