Thursday, January 24, 2019

If the still voice of despair can be replaced by faith...

It’s been a trying day on Planet Bureaucrat for reasons not worth expanding upon but, at the end of the day, one must put it all into perspective. And music can help that, so here’s something to lift the spirits, some German Church music from 1643, “Von Gott will ich nicht lassen”, by Heinrich Schütz.

My favourite part is possibly the fourth verse...

Auch wenn die Welt vergehet
mit ihrem stolzen Pracht,
wed’r Ehr noch Gut bestehet
welchs vor war gross geacht
wit werden nach dem Tod 
tief in der Erd begraben,
wenn wir geschlafen haben
will uns erwecken Gott.

The world may disappear
with its proud splendour
Neither glory nor goods last
What we once thought mattered,
may after our death
be buried deep in the ground,
If we sleep,
God will wake us.

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