Monday, January 28, 2019

Experiments with Instagram

Alright, so I’ve written some fine words about social media, which rather means that I ought to practice as I preach. And it dawns on me that I can dredge up something that I had experimented with in the past, i.e. hyper local reporting.

My life is multi-faceted. Whilst I am discouraged from talking about my work, for what are probably good reasons (despite the fact that I am surveyed by my employer each year, asking amongst other things whether or not I am proud to tell people that I work for it), the rest of my public existence is a bit obscure. Many of the things that I do are, in truth, hardly mainstream, but I like to think that most of them are valuable in their way, and contribute to the maintenance of civil society.

So, Instagram, allied to my Facebook and Twitter accounts, offers a means to shed a little light on the life of a Parish Council Chair, for example. It might also allow me to reach out to members regarding my Party activities, which seems like a good thing too.

There are some rules;
  • no including other people without their permission, so I won’t be reporting on other people’s activities unless they are a matter of public record
  • no release of confidential or secret information
I’ll probably come up with some other rules as I experiment, so the restrictions on the material I publish may expand. We’ll see.

So, if you are on Instagram, look out for me at honladymark (just like my Twitter handle)...

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