Thursday, January 12, 2006

A Secretary is (re)born

Yes, bureaucracy fans, I'm back as Regional Secretary, having been gloriously elected without opposition! Clearly, the electorate didn't read my manifesto... thank you once again to those who have been so supportive in recent months.

I have all sorts of plans for 2006, including resuming the Executive Diary, improving reportage to the Local Parties and working with our formidable Regional Administrator, Flick Rea, to improve the way we communicate with the broader Party. It is also my ambition to have more fun this year, or is this impossible within the context of faceless bureaucracy?

The Executive Committee looks to be a very interesting one this year, with a number of strong and vocal personalities already emerging. If that means that the Officers are kept on their toes (myself included), it can only be a good thing in terms of corporate governance, effectiveness and medium/long-term strategy.

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