Thursday, September 19, 2024

Mid Suffolk Town and Parish Councillors meet

Whilst I did say that I might get a little more involved with all things Liberal Democrat - you know where to find me everyone - I do still have a few other things to do. And this evening, it was time to resume in my capacity as Chair of the Mid Suffolk branch of the Suffolk Association of Local Councils (SALC).

We've had a minor organisational reshuffle, with the original two branches, Mid Suffolk North and Mid Suffolk South, combined into one larger branch, which reduces the number of meetings and, hopefully, increases attendance. And whilst I was Chair of Mid Suffolk South, the recent resignation of my opposite number in the North had meant that I was effectively Chair of a merged group.

Tonight, I was notionally up for re-election as Chair and, whilst I was happy to continue, I wouldn't have stood in the way of anyone who really wanted the job - I'm not one to stand in the way of the ambitious. But we had guest speakers to welcome first...

Laura and Naomi from the Mid Suffolk District Council Communities team were first up, highlighting the new "Feel Good Suffolk" project, intended to help people become more physically active, give up smoking and lose weight, with a joined-up approach to help people improve their quality of life.

We then had a brisk run through what else the Communities team does to support Town and Parish Councils and local volunteer groups, including the variety of grants that are out there to support our work. I ought to acknowledge that my own Council have benefited from some of the grant opportunities available, including recent locality grants from our District Councillors, which have financed a grit bin, a Parish noticeboard and refurbishment of the Church Room, the village's only building available for community events.

Next up was Teresa from Community Action Suffolk, hoping to encourage us all to form Good Neighbour Schemes in our communities. I recall that, during the pandemic, an informal support system sprang into life helping the more vulnerable members of the community with shopping, prescriptions and the like, and whilst people might not want to be part of a formal structure, it works well in some places.

And last, but not least, Laura from Suffolk County Council explained how the DEFRA Property Flood Resilience scheme was available to make grants of up to £5,000 to help make vulnerable properties safe from potential flooding in the wake of last year's Storm Babette.

All great presentations, and I wish that we'd had a better attendance and more time to explore the opportunities available. But we had to elect new officers and, after a brief exploration of possible candidates, I was gloriously re-elected as Chair. Alright, nobody wanted to challenge me or, perhaps even more accurately, nobody else wanted the job. But, nonetheless, I have another year of glorious leadership ahead of me.

I've got two new Vice-Chairs though, in addition to my old friend, Mark Clements from Old Newton and Dagworth, James Spencer from Great Finborough and Michelle Salazar from Eye, and I'm looking forward to working with them in the coming year.

We skipped the information exchange, as it was getting on a bit, and there weren't that many of us present. It was agreed though that we should invite the three new MPs (one Conservative, one Green, one Labour) to attend a future meeting so that they might get to know us, and what we do.

And with that, I thanked everyone for coming and brought the meeting to an end. And if you're a Town or Parish Councillor in Mid Suffolk, why not join us on 5 December for our next meeting, where we are hoping to discuss community transport.

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