Sunday, January 21, 2024

A windy walk in the park

As part of our adaptation to urban life, Ros and I have taken to exploring the wider town, and this morning, we took a short drive to one of Ipswich’s less crowded parks (especially on a windy, grey day), Bourne Park, in south-west Ipswich.

It's not a park I was terribly aware of, although it can be clearly seen from the train as you approach Ipswich from London, out of the left-hand windows. So, what's there to do?

The park is based around Belstead Brook as it flows towards the Orwell at Ostrich Creek (no, I didn't know that either until I looked at a map just now), and includes a rather nice playground with a children's paddling pool which, I guess, is quite lively on a summer afternoon. There's also quite a nice looking picnic area and some public toilets (no, they haven't all been closed!).

It was formally opened by Prince Henry, the third son of George V, on 7 October 1927, and Ipswich Borough Council have kept the dedication in surprisingly good condition, which is nice.

We walked the length of the park and back, sticking mainly to the path as the ground is a bit soft what with all the rain we've had lately, before heading to the nearby supermarket for some provisions.

I rather think that we'll be back...

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