This was probably, from a technical perspective, the most complex. The first preferences were as follows;
Michael Atkins - 16 votes
Alan Belmore - 25 votes
Victor Chamberlain - 31 votes
Cara Drury - 48 votes
Patrick Elsdon - 22 votes
James Harrison - 20 votes
Richard Morgan-Ash - 13 votes
Alexandra Royden - 37 votes
Martin Shapland - 23 votes
Jennifer Warren - 21 votes
Richard Wilson - 6 votes
The quota was 29.01 and Chamberlain, Drury and Royden were elected on first preferences.
Transferring the Drury and Royden surpluses failed to elect anyone else, and as the Chamberlain surplus was less than the gap between Wilson and Morgan-Ash, Wilson was eliminated and his votes transferred at face value.
That transfer elected Warren, and Morgan-Ash was then eliminated, whereupon Belmore, Elsdon and Shapland were elected. Elsdon's surplus was then transferred, whereby Harrison was elected without quota.
That left Atkins as runner-up...
"Transferring the Drury and Royden surpluses failed to elect anyone else, and as the Chamberlain surplus was less than the gap between Wilson and Morgan-Ash, Wilson was eliminated and his votes transferred at face value.
That transfer elected Wilson"
Interesting concept, that. ;-)
Was that second 'Wilson' menat to be 'Warren'?
I may not understand STV as well as some well-known historical figures but you must mean that Jenn Warren was elected by the transfer instead!
I'm really confused! Who was elected?
I'm assuming Warren not Wilson was elected upon Wilson elimination. Hard pressed Lady Mark getting his Ws mixed up.
Dear All,
I am soooooo tired, but the correction is up. You're all right, in that Jennifer Warren was elected upon the elimination of Richard Wilson.
It only took four hours to hand count the ballots...
Ben Mathis
Mark it was nowhere near as bad as North Down at the last Assembly election. First declaration of two being elected came at 5:30pm on day two when there were 7 candidates left for the 6 seats.
But well done for all the effort Mark. Now go off and relax (for a bit at least).
Richard Wilson didn't win?
I don't believe it!
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