Thursday, June 02, 2016

Campaign Diary: Day 25 - drawing breath before the big finale

Astonishingly, and thanks to a huge effort by the team, we'd got virtually every leaflet out, and with our policy of not canvassing on a Sunday, that left me the day to catch up with a whole bunch of other things, as well as get some quality home time. Besides, Ros was due home from Cairo, where she had been contributing to a seminar on gender mainstreaming.

Laundry, for example, doesn't get done on its own, and nor does shopping, and in any event, both of us were due in Vilnius by the end of the week, and so I spent the day working around the house, mowing the lawn, collecting my newspaper (it's 6,000 steps to the newsagent and back).

And besides, we still had the last lap of the race to run...

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