I spent most of yesterday either travelling to and from, or in, the first ever meeting of the Party's Federal International Relations Committee (FIRC). At least, as now constituted - the old International Relations Committee was a rather more pallid creature - it is a new, rather more defined, structure. It is, if you like, under construction, as members attempt to define its place in the wider Party structure beyond those tasks assigned to it by the Federal Constitution.
It would not, then, be unreasonable to ask what FIRC is for, and how is it relevant. You might also expect me to report on that. But before I do, I want to reflect a little on our first day. Indulge me for a moment...
To hold a strategy meeting whilst today's events in the United States and elsewhere unfolded might feel like a peculiarly Liberal Democrat exercise in rearranging deckchairs, and you may be right. The timing was, how shall I put it, unfortunate, but you do have to start somewhere, don't you?

I wanted to be the Committee's Secretariat, partly because I'm good at that sort of thing, and partly because I do understand the role that 'ordnung und verwaltung' have in achieving good outcomes. And, actually, it annoys me to see such things come badly, as they can be sometimes in our beloved Party.
The problem is that, having got a job that nobody else wanted anyway, I have a nagging sense that being the organisational conscience of a committee is akin to being the one Roundhead in a Civil War re-enactment society. Hell, the Cavaliers lost, but their outfits were so much better. And, as it has been pointed out to me, you can be a bureaucrat anywhere, so why FIRC in particular?
I have, it seems, something of an existential dilemma. And now, I have to find a way of dealing with it...