Thursday, October 29, 2015

Señor Valladares, this song is for you...

I have, accidentally, found something that I'm not really supposed to have, i.e. a Latin spirit. Yes, I have a Hispanic surname (another accident of history), but I'm an Indian Catholic, and we have no rhythm (we are musical, but dancing isn't really high on the skill set).

There I was, checking a YouTube video of an early music group that I've become rather find of, when I discover that they made an album of Latin American music. Well, one thing led to another, and there I am, listening to Venezuelan folk songs. And you know something, they're really catchy.

So, I explore a bit more, and I'm taken to a song that celebrates a murdered general in a civil war that nobody remembers, performed by a Chilean band that was effectively exiled by Pinochet, and, all of a sudden, I am in a world where even someone with no rhythm wants some. What is happening and what have you done with the bureaucrat?

The worrying thing is, I've got a trip to slot in, and I was thinking about Moldova. Is a week in Venezuela an insane idea, or should I just go for it?

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