Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bones Commission: take a deep breath and count to ten

One supposedly 'friendly' leak to the Times and the Lib Dem blogging community are all a-flutter.

Perhaps we need to get this into perspective. There will be no proposals requiring immediate constitutional change, as promised at the beginning. There will not be a power grab by the Leader, because we would need to be convinced to grant him greater powers anyway (read the constitution, dull but well written).

Featured on Liberal Democrat VoiceOn the other hand, the Party has such a byzantine structure that power lurks invisibly and unaccountably where one leasts expects it. Bloggers have, for a long time, called for greater clarity, greater democracy and faster decision making. I believe that Bones proposes some ideas that might get us moving in the right direction.

If I have a criticism, it is that the path ahead is insufficiently signposted. What will happen next and where is unclear or, at least, is insufficiently well-publicised. Perhaps Nick could clarify for us? Oh yes, and not by means of a well-placed leak...

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