The musings of a liberal and an internationalist, living in Suffolk's county town. There may be references to parish councils, bureaucracy and travel, amongst other things. And yes, I'm a Liberal Democrat.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Gordon Brown - guilty of misleading the House of Commons? Or is it amnesia?
Alastair Carmichael, our most northerly MP, asked El Gordo if he would take action over the ongoing industrial action being taken by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. Here's the exchange in full...
Alastair Carmichael (Liberal Democrat, Orkney and Shetland) "On Friday, staff in the Maritime and Coastguard Agency will begin a 48-hour strike. During the previous 24-hour strike, the contingency cover that was put in place was barely adequate, and it would not be sufficient to cover a 48-hour strike—as a result, lives will be put at risk. Will the Prime Minister intervene to solve this dispute? Will he pay our coastguards a decent wage, or will he sit on his hands until lives are lost?"
Gordon Brown (Prime Minister) "I will certainly look at the issue of contingency cover to see what is being provided in the event of this dispute. I would, even now, call on the people who are engaged in planning the dispute to cease this action. I think that it is very important that employers and employees get together to find a solution to these disputes. I must tell the hon. Gentleman that 1.5 million workers in the public sector have already signed, or are subject to, three-year pay agreements, including nurses, teachers, and those who work in the Department for Work and Pensions and in the Inland Revenue. Never before have we had three-year agreements during difficult times such as these, and I believe that there should be support for other groups of workers in the public sector signing up to long-term pay agreements."
Interestingly, there is no pay agreement in place for HM Revenue and Customs (oh for heavens sake, Gordon, you merged the Inland Revenue with Customs and Excise, remember?). Our last pay deal expired on 31 May, and there is no indication that an offer is likely to be agreed any time soon. In fact, we were due a pay rise on 1 June, there is no offer on the table yet, and the expectation is that we won't reach a settlement until the autumn.
So, Gordon, a lie, a mistake or just a dream? And will you be apologising to the House when you get back? I'll be letting Alastair know that he hasn't had a truthful or accurate reply when I see him in mid-August...
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Public 1, Labour's Choice Agenda 0?
Firstly, choice must be real rather than notional, especially if your intention is to use choice as a means of driving up standards. It must be an informed choice, which requires information to be available in an accessible and approachable manner, and available to all. Otherwise, it merely enhances the advantages that the middle and upper classes have over the poorer, more needy members of our society.
In most public services, choice is somewhat of an urban obsession, as I have noted in the past. If you can walk to eight schools within a mile, you have realistic choice. If your nearest school is five miles away, and it's another six to the next, you don't really have choice. And so it is with the NHS. But don't believe me, here's what the Kings Fund has to say...
Monday, July 28, 2008
A Scot, a European and a gentleman
My first encounters were as a Young Liberal Democrat in the late eighties, attending various European Liberal events. He was, at that time, one of the two Liberal Democrat members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (Lord Mackie of Benshie being the other), and radiated an enthusiasm for Europe that so many of his generation shared.
He had, by then, already served as a member of the European Parliament and was the leading figure within the Party on foreign affairs. In 1990, I found him in the bar at Shannon Airport, and was moved to buy him a drink (this was a bit of a 'bloke' thing, I suspect) for which he was most gracious.
Of course, in anorak circles, he will go down in history for winning the tightest four-way marginal in history in 1992, when he won his seat with just 26% of the vote. The fourth-placed Conservative gained 22.6%...
Latterly, he wasn't the most frequent attender in the Lords, although he was always there when his vote was needed.
In many ways, the place of his death speaks volumes about his life. He believed passionately in a European ideal and there are many who will hope that the torch he carried for so many years finds a worthy bearer.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
A high society experience in North Wales
Ros and I arrived in good time to help out with preparations and were put to work hulling strawberries, lots of them. Then, whilst Ros freshened up, I found my way to the entry to the drive to do gate duty with Bruce Roberts, Chair of Wrexham Liberal Democrats.
The sun was shining strongly, and people were arriving from as far afield as Llandudno (I should namecheck the noble Lord Roberts of Llandudno who looked incredibly sharp in a black shirt) and we were reduced to directing traffic towards hopefully nearby parking opportunities.
Meanwhile, the garden party was in full swing, with real ale to drink, some great food, and at least four Liberal Democrat council group leaders talking about the challenges facing them.
Martin made a speech welcoming everyone before turning to Ros for a few words, followed by a speech from Alan Butt Philip, the newly selected number 1 on our Euro candidate list for Wales. We have a genuine opportunity to win a seat in Wales for the first time next year, and it would be nice to see a stalwart like Alan reap the benefits of his hard work over many years.
Everybody seemed to have a good time as the sun beat down on a gorgeous summer's day and a very decent sum was raised for local funds. As Tom Rippeth, the PPC noted, it'll pay for a lot of leaflets...
It was incredibly kind of Martin and Joan to find time to organise and host the event, and a constant thread in our campaign has been the generosity of members around the country in arranging events and inviting members to attend them.
A gentle painkiller for the soul in Farndon
The local elections were not kind to Liberal Democrats across Cheshire, but they're resilient in the North West, and the realisation that, whilst the Conservatives have the seats, the intellectual force is still with us means that they've recovered their spirits fairly quickly.
Ros made a brief speech, followed by a series of questions, some about her work in the Lords, but also a number about her aims if elected as President. I am increasingly convinced that councillors, activists and party officers expect the President to do a serious job and represent the Party with dignity. If that's so, then they know where to put their mark on the ballot paper...
We had a really pleasant evening, and much thanks must go, in particular, to Vera for her gracious welcome.
Friday, July 25, 2008
From one campaign to the other, next stop Chester...
I have to say that all of this campaigning continues to be very educational, and I hope to be able to apply it to the work I do deep in the heart of the party bureaucracy.
That reminds me, I really ought to comment on the Bones Conmmission at some point...
Buying rail tickets the bureaucrat way
Buying rail tickets is fun, at least if you can combine patience with a sense of experimentation. Quite often, rail companies, like airlines, have a curious sense of humour and, if you share it, you can save yourself money.
Last week, Ros and I went to Lancaster. The best standard fare available was about £70 each. A bit pricey for being crammed in like sardines, so how about via Manchester? Same fare. What if I break the journey into bits? Hmmm... £53 first class to Manchester, £9 from there to Lancaster.
The week before, Bath to Stowmarket, £29 each standard class... £29 each first class. A bit of a no-brainer, really.
Amazingly, it seems that many people overlook offers on first class which, given some of the perks you get (free food and drink, plus lounge access on Virgin, for example), is just weird.
Buying tickets for journeys using the services of multiple rail companies can be made much cheaper by breaking the journey at the connection point. On Sunday, Ros and I will be travelling back to London from Crewe. I was offered £53 each for standard class tickets via Banbury. Break it down and it becomes £25.50 each first class to Banbury and £10.50 each from there to Wembley Stadium. Don't you just love it?
The Trainline is really good for finding fares, although not so good for buying them. They charge you for sending tickets, they even charge you for picking your tickets up from a ticket machine. The individual rail companies don't... yet. Also, National Express East Coast offer a 10% on-line only discount, well worth having.
Travelling from London to Manchester or vice versa on a weekday? Check out Virgin Train's e-ticketing experiment, with fares for as little as £3 one way on offer. There's a box on their home page but they don't exactly push the deal that hard.
Of course, the earlier you get there, the better the deals. Some of the rail companies will alert you when cheap fares for your intended journey become available, a very useful service indeed.
I hope that this public information announcement has been of use to you. You can always contribute a proportion of any savings to Ros's campaign for Party President...
Glasgow East: small earthquake, not many dead
That said, it's hard to see what positives we could have drawn from any viable result that would have resonated beyond the political anoraks. Let the Conservatives brag about overtaking us - their vote fell, after all, and we won't be seeing much of them in the East End of Glasgow from now until the next election, if then.
What we can conclude, however, is that history is repeating itself. Just as in the period from 1992 until 1997, voters will rally behind whichever Party looks most likely to beat the Government, regardless of whether or not they actually are the theoretical nearest challengers. This offers us a challenge and an opportunity at the same time. Can we establish ourselves as a credible alternative to Labour in places where they can be hurt?
I leave those kinds of tactical issues to the leadership, both political and campaigning. Instead, I'm taking my aching bones for a bit of retail therapy before heading to Chester. For me, the campaign continues...
Midnight in Glasgow East - polling is closed but there's still work to be done
A feature of campaigning north of the border is signboards attached to lampposts. The catch is that they have to be taken down... fast. And so I'm out with Fraser from Danny Alexander's office and Duncan, cutting them down. The roads are empty and our work is swift. I wonder what's happening at the count?
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Glasgow East - so where the bloody hell are you?
I've been leafletting in Carmyle, the home suburb of our candidate, Ian Robertson, and then taken part in a little meet and greet session with Agnes and Craig, two voters who'll be voting Liberal Democrat today.
I've been impressed by Ian, whose genuine nature has clearly made an impression. Hopefully, he'll get an opportunity somewhere more promising, perhaps in the Scottish Parliament next time.
Glasgow East has been given a fairly negative press, and one might think that I've spent the afternoon dodging burnt out cars from everything that has been printed. And whilst parts of the constituency might be on the grim side, Carmyle is a fairly normal suburb, where the tenants take a pride in their homes and gardens. If only the media would look beyond the easy headline...
As Barry Manilow might say, "Looks like we made it..."
Fortified by a second chardonnay-pinot grigio hit, and with a comfortable pair of walking shoes, it will soon be time to find Glasgow East. I'll report back once I've found the HQ...
Over the top and Scotland bound
It looks as though Adam Boulton will make it to Glasgow in one piece (I apologise to his understudy for raising their hopes)...
Jonathan Wallace, eat your heart out...
Hopefully, the huskies will be able to keep going until we reach the supplies cairn somewhere near Preston, where a case of sauvignon blanc is waiting...
Tories are still stupid, we're not throwing enough rocks at them
The advantage of being policy-free is that attacking the Conservative Party is a bit like punching fog. You know that there is probably something in there that you don't like, but it's hard to make your attacks count. However, as their lead in the polls remains at levels likely to produce a change of government, some of their less intellectual figures have been emboldened to essay some thinking.
The fact that Nick Bourne clearly has no idea how devolved government works in Wales is quite troubling. This is a man who, had things worked out differently, would have been a key figure in the administration. Whilst a degree of ignorance can enable you to do things thought to be impossible, this is one step too far.
As for David Ruffley, who is incidentally my weekend MP in Creeting St Peter, perhaps someone should point out to him that security costs for his Party's conference might be better compared with the costs for our conference. After all, they haven't been in power for eleven years, their ex-ministers who need security have their own, and there have been no specific threats against the Party.
Perhaps David might like to spend some time worrying about the antics of his colleagues on Suffolk County Council instead... On second thoughts, David, don't bother, we'll keep on picking up by-election gains...
Off and running
In the distance, I can see Adam Boulton. Good news, methinks, if provisions get low, I can feed him to the huskies. The pink shirt that he's wearing should make him easy to spot..
A bureaucrat decides - my top ten blogs of 2008
Apparently, there is some sort of poll going on to decide Britain's best political blogs. Last year, I didn't vote (alright, I was deep in the throes of passion and was therefore far too busy). This year, I'm still too busy, but there is a space in my diary and I feel guilty, so...
- Liberal Democrat Voice - The LDV Collective: I love these guys, mainly for providing me with a chance to moan very occasionally. I can chip in when I feel like it, and I tend to use it to find out why everyone hates party bureaucrats (except me, of course, I'm lovable)
- Peter Black AM - Peter Black: alright, he's Welsh (nothing wrong with that) and I have no real connection to Welsh politics. On the other hand, as an insight into how politics works at the coal face, I really enjoy his work.
- The People's Republic of Mortimer - Alix Mortimer: crazy woman, brilliant writing style. I thought that I could do sarcasm and irony but I bow before the reigning monarch... hmmm... reigning dictator for life?
- Liberal England - Jonathan Calder: still churning out great work. Besides, as Lord Bonkers' diary secretary, he should be preserved for the nation.
- Cicero's Songs - James Oates: some really good writing, an intellectual approach to blogging which will hopefully become more frequent.
- Because Baronesses are People Too... - Baroness Ros Scott: to paraphrase Victor Kiam, I liked the candidate so much, I married her.
- Quaequam Blog - James Graham: perhaps he's saving his best work for a bigger audience (and who can blame him) but still one of the most robust bloggers on the Lib Dem circuit.
- Norfolk Blogger - Nich Starling: I don't always agree with him, and I'm sorry to disappoint him by voting for him, but it isn't his positioning that bothers me sometimes, I simply don't agree with everything he writes. He certainly livens things up though...
- Dib Lemming - Stephanie Ashley: a relatively new blogger from somewhere far from the M25 (any further and you fall into the sea, I'm told). I recognise the template and like her style.
- The Yorksher Gob - Jennie Rigg: another new addition to the ranks of Lib Dem bloggers, even though she is categorised as 'Left Wing' in the Total Politics Blog Directory. Her style and mine are poles apart, but she is enthusiastic and unfettered. I suspect that she'll go a long way.
Curiously, for a Londoner, the majority of my votes have gone to bloggers outside the M25. I find that reassuring in an odd way, perhaps because it reinforces the lessons I've learned during my relationship with Ros, i.e. that there is a tendency to believe that people are only truly politically alive the closer they are to Westminster.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Be gentle with me, Glasgow East
Ros was intending to go, but now can't, so I thought that I might use the train tickets and hotel booking. This will, I'm sure, strike horror into Labour and SNP activists, and I'm even more sure that Ian Robertson will assume that victory is in the bag, but I'm going to feel the burn and do it anyway.
I'll report from the campaign headquarters when I find it...
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
House of Lords reform: a non-baron writes

- a First Past the Post system;
- an Alternative Vote system;
- a Single Transferable Vote system; or
- an open or semi-open list system.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
A homecoming queen, make that baroness

In fact, Ros has a Bradford connection, in that her father's family came from Bradford, and she frequently visited the area as a child.
I got to spend some quality time with Mat and Jennie, who'd come from Brighouse to enjoy the sunshine and strawberries. Jennie's meteoric rise to blogging fame has been evidence (if it were needed) that gender isn't a barrier to successful blogging, but the ability to convey a message is. It would be fair to say that our styles are somewhat different (I write like a bureaucrat, she... doesn't) but I follow her blog for the quality of the spleen-venting.
We'd spent the first part of the day relaxing in our hotel room. Whilst the events themselves are a lot of fun, the travelling can be very tiring, with crowded, noisy trains making it very hard to relax. Add to that the tension caused by late-running trains and missed connections, and you can understand why we take a lot of trouble to ensure that the schedule leaves as much recovery time as possible.
And as the campaign hots up, my role as travel co-ordinator becomes more important. There are two aspects to the task, making the travel efficient and, equally important, stretching the travel budget as far as possible - this isn't cheap, let me assure you, and finances are limited. I've learned a remarkable amount about the way the various rail companies price tickets as we've gone on and you'd be amazed at the apparent insanity of it all...
Saturday, July 19, 2008
A Liberal Democrat pilgrimage
I've only been there once, nearly twenty years ago for a LYMEC seminar on Tourism. The sun shone, the Timothy Taylor's Landlord was perfect, and the crazy golf competition between the Young Liberal Democrats and the Young Liberal Movement went our way (make birdies, not war...).
And now I'm on my way back. A bit wiser, perhaps, a bit older, certainly, but back nonetheless.
Last night, Ros and I got to Lancashire, for a meeting with members in Wyre and Preston North. The Local Parties there are working hard to build a more effective campaigning machine, increasing membership and organising action days. We were made to feel really welcome, and we even won some cushions in the raffle.

We stayed overnight with Harold Elletson, whose family home is one of the more remarkable I've encountered. We ate dinner in an Italian restaurant in Preston, where we met up with Andrew, a journalist friend of Harold's, and chatted about the media, Europe and tax policy. It's nice sometimes to talk about ideas. After all, a campaign is meant to be fun too...
Friday, July 18, 2008
Trapped in their ivory tower, or just too genteel to put the boot in?
It is a very well written report, although I do wonder about the fairness of some of the criticism. It is entirely fair to question the effectiveness of the partnership between HM Treasury (HMT) and HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), a subject on which I have an interest but no direct knowledge. However, the criticism seems to overlook the political dimension, perhaps naively so.
As the Conservatives have become a more credible party of government - not necessarily a more credible party in government, I might add - they have begun to attempt to make the weather on taxation, aided to some extent by the inability of the current administration to identify a consistent political narrative. Generally speaking, George Osborne and his merry men have avoided the difficult task of actually costing their proposals - we are told that this is a work in progress - but the thought that they might care is sufficient to earn ‘brownie points’ with a discontented public.
Labour’s response has smacked of the behaviour of a rather paranoid and hyperactive magpie, regardless of the truth of the matter. It may indeed be the case that many of their responses have been based on pre-existing work being done, but the media, the public and, more worryingly, the professional stakeholders, don’t believe it. It’s all about credibility and tone, and Alastair Darling doesn’t have it at the moment.
Liberal Democrats are good on costings, long on credibility (could we have a better Treasury spokesman than Vince Cable, indeed could anyone?) but short on access to the media - although it’s getting better by the day…
So, with the Conservatives making much of the weather, and Labour doing badly but committed to an economic policy that leans towards a conventionally liberal economic agenda, there has been a temptation to spring tax policy changes for short-term political advantage. And, to be frank, a bunch of whinging accountants and tax lawyers, who probably vote Conservative anyway (a left-wing generalisation, not mine) are less significant than a couple of favourable headlines in the Daily Mail and the Guardian. What price proper consultation under those circumstances?
The abstract of the Report concludes by stating, “Our overall impression from the evidence we received was that this year the formulation of tax policy has been marked by uncertainty of direction.”. Alas, just another sign of intellectual drift in that long-running Westminster farce, “By George, Darling, you’ve lost your trousers!”.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Bones Commission: take a deep breath and count to ten

Over land and under sea - the campaign goes international!
The Eurostar experience is pretty fantastic, and the journey to the Channel Tunnel passes by in a flash - so much better than the old trundle through Kent. We were picked up at Gare du Midi by Rebecca Taylor, their Chair, who, depsite feeling fairly ghastly (get well soon, Rebecca), made us very welcome.
We then headed over to the event, and immediately ran into John McCormick, who I was shadow assessor to and then Returning Officer for in Wokingham. My past life as a European Returning Officer made for a series of familiar faces, as the Local Party tends to produce a disproportionate number of European Parliamentary candidates, and it was good to see the likes of John Vincent and Peter Welch, both of whom had made special arrangements to be at the event.
Graham Watson came directly from a memorial service to introduce Ros, and made some light-hearted remarks about the Presidential contest before handing over to Ros.
Ros spoke for a few minutes before mingling with those present to talk about a range of issues before we returned to Graham's place in Ixelles for a glass of wine and a chat before bedtime...
The lottery of getting there
Amongst those gathered with Alan Dedicot, the voice of the National Lottery (he was working as the disembodied emcee) and, unexpectedly, Tamsin Dunwoody, recipient of this year's worst political hospital pass. Tamsin was there to collect a posthumous award to her mother, Gwyneth, for services to transport, and was in quite expansive form. I've remarked in the past that the media create very two-dimensional images of people in the news, and Tamsin was not really as I had expected her to be.
Alan was an interesting character too, and was telling us about the Routemaster bus that he and some friends are restoring for use for weddings and such. He couldn't have been surrounded by a more interested group of people if he'd tried...
It's curious, because I generally didn't enjoy these types of events in the past. My capacity for small talk was not great, and I tended to feel a bit isolated. Now, however, I've learned to relax a bit, and go with the flow. As I've discovered, most people tend to feel as I did, and having someone introduce themselves and break the ice makes it rather more enjoyable.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
And then there were three - a cat called Franklin
And yet the fitting of a catflap gave him a new lease on life. He prowled the garden, as well as those nearby, walked across the top of narrow fences without any evident difficulty, and seemed to be bearing up well, even if he was a mite scrawny. Indeed, Eleanor, his brother (don’t ask, it’s a long story) seemed to be in worse shape.
On Thursday night, I had hosted a meeting of my Local Party Executive, and Franklin took the opportunity to introduce himself, before taking his customary place in his new cat bed (one of Ros’s innovations). He seemed to be reasonably perky but, when I came down the next morning, I found him sprawled across the carpet. Given that no self-respecting cat would ever allow himself to be seen like that unless there was something wrong, it was clear that this was serious. A quick examination made it clear that this was terminal, and with heavy heart I took him to the vet. The lack of response and of movement did not augur well.
The vet quickly reached the same conclusion, and it was agreed that he should be put to sleep without delay. I have sworn that none of my cats will suffer unnecessarily, and whilst putting them to sleep is not something I do lightly, if it is clearly for the best, and the vet agrees, then I won’t hesitate.
I’ll miss Franklin. His company was a comfort to me in some of my darkest moments, and his antics were always entertaining. Let’s just hope that he’s enjoying prowling the celestial garden…
Monday, July 14, 2008
Back to life, back to reality
This weekend saw the campaign trail reach Peasedown St John, in North East Somerset, the new constituency which takes in Wansdyke, the last Labour seat in the county. Our host, Cllr Nathan Hartley, threw a very pleasant event, with good food, great beer and fun company. Ros gave a speech which attracted laughter and interesting questions in good measure, before we retired to the home of Gail Coleshill, the local PPC for the night.
In the morning, we set off for Suffolk, having discovered that, due to the vagaries of rail fares, it was the same fare to travel first class as it would be to travel standard class. I'll return to that at some point...
On Sunday, we had been invited, with a broad cross-section of Suffolk high society, to attend an event to celebrate the first stage of the restoration of the Miller's House at the Pakenham Water Mill. So, we dressed for a Sunday afternoon in the country (floral print for Ros, linen jacket and chinos for me) and drove over to Pakenham. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Sue Tamlyn, another of those Suffolk women who, had they been born a century earlier, would have been running a British Residency somewhere in the Empire, made an unexpectedly humourous speech indicating the work that has been put in by the volunteer corps of fundraisers, millers and mechanics who have underpinned the restoration.
We then had an opportunity to see the restored buildings, see wheat being milled into flour (the mill is a working one, and produces high-quality flour for sale in local farmers markets), and admire the millpond and the new flat that has been created as part of the site. In an era when food miles are a middle-class obsession, Pakenham has food yards - you can see the fields of wheat from the mill.
The Board of Trustees then invited us to take afternoon tea, with finger sandwiches and their 'really rather excellent' lemon drizzle cake. The tea was high-quality (and I say that as someone who takes his tea very seriously) and the lemon drizzle cake was, dare I say it, really rather excellent.
This morning, however, it was time to head back to London for the urban bureaucrat. I like to end my Suffolk weekends with a proper breakfast on the train, a luxury I know, but it helps me make the transition from country to city. Today was almost painfully perfect though, with an excellent full English breakfast served by those really rather nice people at National Express East Anglia - "was everything alright, my love?" - and the sun shining as we glided effortlessly through mid-Suffolk and the Stour Valley at Manningtree.
As London drew closer, I began to daydream that the guard had come up to me and said, "I'm terribly sorry, Sir, but we really do feel that you shouldn't go to London today. Don't worry though, we'll put you down at Brentwood and someone will make sure that you get back to Needham Market safe and sound." Sadly, it never happened...
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Blogging for bureaucrats: a new Labour surprise
In an era of massively verbose legislation, statutory instruments and guidance, Tom Watson has come up with the following:
Be credible
Be accurate, fair, thorough and transparent.
Be consistent
Encourage constructive criticism and deliberation. Be cordial, honest and professional at all times.
Be responsive
When you gain insight, share it where appropriate.
Be integrated
Wherever possible, align online participation with other offline communications.
Be a civil servant
Remember that you are an ambassador for your organisation. Wherever possible, disclose your position as a representative of your department or agency.
It must be considered that, for once, there is a liberal view of the world emerging from a dusty corner of our government. There is a degree of trust displayed here that asks serious questions of civil servants, i.e. are we up to the challenge of balancing information with confidentiality, openness with political neutrality?Interestingly, I see some potential for innovative interaction with the accountancy profession and taxpayers. There is plenty of information available on the legal framework within which the taxation system works. However, information on how to find the person best equipped to help you is more difficult. I often speak to taxpayers or accountants who have spoken to three or four people in a frustrating attempt to find the right someone. Taxpayers, particularly, struggle because they are not au fait with the language of taxation, and are bewildered by terms such as 'period of account' or 'accounting period' (not necessarily the same thing). Often, our systems make little sense without the underlying context and appear to be simply a set of hoops that we make people jump through.
The real question for middle management is, "do you have the confidence to allow experimentation?". Now, there I have less confidence. In an era of change, risk-taking has become less frequent and reliance on the letter of the instructions.
However, on the whole, this is a good thing, and I believe that there is a potential to drag the UK Civil Service into the Century of the Fruitbat... I shall watch with interest...