Monday, February 24, 2014

I've got a brand new ringtone...

We're very keen on technology, here in Creeting St Peter. Admittedly, I understand far too little of it, but one must try to keep up. Ringtones intrigue me, following exposure at work to a colleague who is a pretty serious musician. Andrew hated my ringtone, describing it as sounding like an enraged wasp, and I admit that the usual tinny ersatz tunes that you get are a bit annoying.

Accordingly, having discovered that I could upload music onto my BlackBerry, I changed the ringtone to a Bach fugue. Instantly distinctive, there could be no doubt that it was my phone ringing, and given that Andrew is a pianist, keyboard music was tolerable to him - I'm so considerate like that.

Following my promotion and change of job, we have been separated now, so he doesn't have to endure my choice of ringtone. Despite this, I have maintained the habit of keeping my ringtone as real music, and pleasantly obscure. So, here's a performance of my new ringtone by La Compagnia del Madrigale. Enjoy...


Jennie Rigg said...

My Ringtone has been Iron Maiden for quite some time...

Mark Valladares said...


I'm guessing that it's really loud... :)

Unknown said...

Mine is the Doctor Who theme tune:-)

Mark Valladares said...


Which version?