Sunday, January 29, 2012

You know something, I'm not going to go gently into that dark night...

I have, I must confess, been confronted with signs of my mortality of late. No, I'm not dying, I'm not even ill. it's just that, in recent months, the notion that I am still young has taken a bit of a kicking. I've known that I'm in my mid-forties, but there has been a piece of me that, emotionally at least, has striven to deny the fact that I am, to put it kindly, getting on as bit.

I've been dwelling on my long-term finances, on my health, on the future. Ah yes, the future. I've never been very good at that, apart from planning trips (and I'm really good at that...). And now, whilst I don't have to be really good at it, it does make me realise that, eventually, one day, I might die. So, perhaps I ought to be a little more relaxed about duty, and slightly keener on fun, worry less about things that might go wrong, and wonder  more about what might just happen.

I wonder what will happen...


  1. I've made the exact opposite mistakes.
    Funny that, considering we're brothers.

  2. Ah well, it would have been a terrible pity if we'd made the same mistakes... :)

    After all, we're all unique. Well, apart from me, that is...

  3. For some reason this post brought to mind the sort of terror normally caused by the non-Euclidean geography of R'lyeh. Planning for the future? That's just bad and wrong.

  4. Jennie,

    You're still young. At least, compared to me you are. One day... :)

  5. See, I keep telling myself that, but I AM past 30 now...
