Saturday, October 18, 2008

Taking a pulse - Reading and Pershore

It's that stage of the Presidential campaign where you tend to rush around without necessarily achieving anything tangible.

Ballot papers having gone out, many of the people we've spoken to today have assured us that they've already voted. However, you don't know that for certain, and it always pays to show your face in the hope of convincing a few undecideds. Besides, given the importance of word of mouth, and of endorsements by friends, in an election where there is virtually no reliable data on voter intentions, you really can't afford to slacken the pace.

Regardless of the outcome, people have been incredibly friendly wherever we've been, and it was nice to run into so many old friends and acquaintances, beginning with registration at South Central's conference in Woodley, near Reading, where I was greeted by Penny Hopkins and Jen Parry. Penny and I first met when I was doing international youth politics and she was working for ELDR, whereas Jen (Clive's mother for those of you who know much about Lambeth politics) was on the selection committee when I was Returning Officer for Wantage.

It feels good but, as they say, the proof is in the voting, and it is virtually impossible to tell how most of the membership will respond to the one mailing they will receive. About 40% of the membership will receive up to three e-mails (they've had one already) and other than that it is down to the ability of the campaign teams to reach out further. And time is ticking away...

However, we're still enjoying ourselves, and we've got one more event this evening before bedtime. Tomorrow, Guildford, for the Liberal Youth conference and a hustings...


  1. Were you in and out quickly? I was reasonably early at registration and we were told in the first session that probably two of the candidates would be there, but I never saw any all day!

    BTW - what's Pershore got to do with it, other than the title...:)

  2. Jock,

    We came early (at about 9.30), spoke to as many people as we could in the time available, and then set off for the West Midlands conference... in Pershore.

    Lembit did the events in reverse - we ran into him in Pershore...
