Saturday, October 18, 2008

So that's what happened to Andy Darley...

One of my activities every day is to scout the internet for references to the Presidential campaign. After all, it's hardly as though I have a particular interest in it, do I?

Occasionally, I come across a gem, as in this instance, where Andy Darley writes about his decision as to who he should support... Alright, I admit that I wish he'd voted for Ros, but he made me laugh, and that's got to be the next best thing. And, if I have to be drawn from literature, I could do worse than being transplanted wholesale from Sir Thomas Malory, author of 'Le Morte d'Arthur'.

Good to hear from you again, Andy...

1 comment:

  1. Finally got round to looking at my own analytics stats and saw the surge in visitors from here :o)

    I'm still alive, still online, but most of my effort goes into and these days - blogging is languishing.

    Congrats on the victory. Tell Ros to forge her own path and not listen too much to advice from the great and the good...
