Monday, January 22, 2007

They're both as bad as each other...

Day 3 of diet - have taken up walking to the station in the morning (just over a mile) and resumed my exercise routine (fifteen minutes on the step machine, twenty on the cross trainer) - current weight loss: 0.9kg (gosh...) - net improvement in Body Mass Index (BMI): -0.30...

Before Christmas, I commented on Labour's difficulties with ethics and waited for the opposition parties to stuff the resulting open goal. I was pleased to see my team put up a fine display of principled outrage, but somewhat puzzled by the silence from the Conservative benches. I really shouldn't have been, should I...

It would appear that the Conservatives are recipients of largesse from one Wafic Said, which, if true, might explain the rather embarrassing silence. To suggest that the Conservative Party is above 'financial engineering' (legal, strictly, but hardly morally upstanding) is admittedly like suggesting the ocean is above the sky, but if you admit by omission that your own finances might not withstand close scrutiny, one wonders how they can claim the moral high ground, even over our beloved, straight-shooting, honest as the day is long (around December 22), Government.

At a time when the debate about the funding of political parties is as public as it has ever been, one might almost presume that our opponents in the Labour and Conservative Parties are determined to discredit our current politics so badly as to discourage the public from supporting state funding. Or am I just being paranoid?

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