Monday, January 22, 2007

By the way, some Americans are STILL campaigning against the war

Iraq: ADA Board Resolution

Adopted by the ADA Board on January 21, 2007 in Washington, DC.

Last November, the American public sent the Bush Administration and their Congressional colleagues a clear message: It is long past time for the United States to end its unjustified and unjustifiable war in Iraq. That message was echoed by the Iraq Study Group which, in its December 6 report, characterized the situation in Iraq as "grave and deteriorating." The report went on to call for "new and enhanced diplomatic and political efforts" which will "enable the United States to begin to move its combat forces out of Iraq responsibly." The ISG noted that their recommendations needed to be taken as a whole and that the Administration should resist the temptation to cherry pick from amongst them.

The Administration's response, instead, has been to ignore both the American electorate and the advice of an experienced, thoughtful, bi-partisan commission and to place more than 21,000 additional American forces in harm's way with no discernible exit strategy. More alarmingly, they have systematically removed from the decision-making process any who dared to question their strategy and have begun ratcheting up the rhetoric and action against Iran.

Fortunately, the Administration's escalation has been countered by proposals for withdrawal in the newly-minted 110th Congress many of whose members were elected in direct response to the Administration's intransigence.

Senators Biden, Levin, Hagel and Snowe are co-sponsoring a resolution stating, "It is not in the national interest of the United States to deepen its military involvement in Iraq, particularly by escalating the United States military presence in Iraq." We believe it is an important first step in the process and ask Senators from both parties to join in adopting it.

It is imperative that both the Senate and the House immediately demonstrate their determination to rein in an Administration which is clearly out of control and out of touch with reality. Ultimately, that resolve can only be brought to bear by exercising the power of the purse and forcing the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq. Their continued presence is only serving to destabilize the region further, provides a rhetorical and real target for extremist elements around the world and helps to fuel the sectarian violence which is ravaging Iraq.

ADA encourages all legislative efforts to speed up withdrawal of U. S. troops from Iraq, to prevent escalation of the war and to use the power of the purse to limit further damage. For example, Progressive Caucus co-chairs Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) and Barbara Lee (D-CA) have introduced H.R. 508 the "Bring our Troops Home and Sovereignty of Iraq Restoration Act of 2007" to establish a 6-month timeframe for withdrawing all U.S. military forces from Iraq, help stabilize Iraq and fully fund the VA health care system.

All proposals for withdrawal forward the discussion. The time for waiting is long past and the Administration clearly will continue on its misguided, dangerous adventurism at the cost of countless American, Iraqi and allied forces unless it is forced to confront reality. ADA urges the U.S. Congress to call for an immediate withdrawal from Iraq.

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