Thursday, January 14, 2021

Young Liberals - it’s like deja vu all over again...

“I’ve been a Young Liberal for many a year...”, we used to sing to the tune of “The Wild Rover” many years ago, and whilst that hasn’t strictly been true for a very long time, you can’t necessarily escape the gravitational pull of the Liberal Democrat youth and student wing forever.

Having served as an officer of the National League of Young Liberals prior to merger - I was the only eligible person left in the room when the vacancy for Secretary General arose - and as (at various times) Secretary, International Officer, Treasurer and, for one slightly bizarre year, President of the Young Liberal Democrats between 1987 and 1992, I made a somewhat unexpected return as the Returning Officer for Liberal Youth in 2008.

I was warned off, mostly by my predecessors, but I served for eighteen months or so, surviving despite the best efforts of Harry Cole (whatever happened to him) and a contest for Chair for which the word ‘volatile’ barely did justice. They then elected me as an Honorary Vice-President...

And now, just as unexpectedly, I’m back, probably for a one-off gig, to help them to fill two Officer vacancies. Thankfully, the process is much eased by technology and Returning Officers serve as much to keep the peace and to manage the process as anything else. I can cope with that, I think.

Whilst for LGBT+ Liberal Democrats last year, it was a job that revolved around running an election in order to reestablish stability, this is a rather less complex task, as much to offer reassuring dullness, competence and occasional compassion where needed as much as anything more demanding.

The only difference this time is that, having been slightly depressed by being old enough to be their parent last time, I’m possibly now old enough to be a grandparent to some of the younger activists. Perhaps being a virtual Returning Officer might lessen that feeling a little this time... I do hope so...

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