Thursday, June 02, 2016

Campaign Diary: Day 23 - a flurry of activity in preparation for a big weekend

"The leaflet is ready, the leaflet is ready!" And so a process is set underway.

Our leaflet 'warehouser' is Cllr Wendy Marchant. On receipt of the printed leaflets, she divides them up into bundles for our deliverers and then arranges for those bundles to be taken to wherever the deliverers are.

It is a very efficient process - Wendy has been doing this for a long time and has it down to a fine art. She even recruits the deliverers who, out of kindness and a willingness to help, make sure that the leaflets that are so lovingly crafted actually reach potential voters.

It makes my job as candidate that bit easier, as it frees up my time to do the one hundred and one things that are my responsibility.

Meanwhile, the gaps in our delivery network are being filled by more volunteers, all of whom are busy people in their own right, and who know that there may be more to come. And I'll deliver my share as well - it gives me a chance to meet more voters and there will be time to stop and chat...

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