So, April was not a month in which I made a lot of progress. Yes, I walked my ten thousand steps every day and yes, I kept my fluid intake nice and high, but I didn't lose any weight.
And so, I've decided to get the program back on track in May by walking 12,500 steps each day, and watching what I eat a bit more. Nothing dramatic, you understand, and only for this month because, ultimately, it has to be sustainable.
How am I going to walk those extra steps? Well, there's been a development...
I think, maybe the fluid intake could be linked to the failure to reduce the Walrus.
High is a relative term here. The advice is that I drink about two litres per day, and that's what I aim for. And, until April, the weight loss had been going pretty well. Indeed, I'm only 11/12ths of the walrus I used to be...
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