Sunday, October 18, 2015

@ALDEParty Congress - actually, why don't I call upon the knowledge of hundreds?

I am a member of the International Relations Committee of my beloved Party, and represent most of you at ALDE Party Councils and Congresses (the rest of you go yourselves, and I know who you are). However, having been elected by Conference delegates, I do like to get involved in the policy debates where I can. The catch is, you can't. At least, not in the way that I can. However, you know stuff, gentle reader, and almost certainly stuff that I don't know.

And so, it dawns on me, why not tap into your knowledge when considering what we might do with (or to) the various policy resolutions up for discussion?

So, here's a list of topics up for discussion and, if you're interested, leave a comment here and I'll e-mail over the resolution to you;
  1. A coherent and ambitious EU Development policy
  2. Antimicrobial resistance
  3. Creating a competitive EU labour market for the 21st century
  4. Creating a growth-friendly regulatory environment
  5. European Integration of the Western Balkans
  6. For a comprehensive TTIP Agreement
  7. Iraq and Syria
  8. On the Situation in Ukraine
  9. Policies on the development of European bio- and circular economies
  10. Reclaiming Liberalism - Shaping a modern liberal approach to migration (I've already passed this one on to Liberal Democrats for Seekers of Sanctuary)
  11. Reclaiming Liberalism - Shaping a modern liberal policy for economic justice
  12. Reinforce ETS as the single instrument for CO2 reductions
  13. Removing PKK from EU’s terror list
  14. Responding to the refugee crisis
  15. Strengthening criminal justice and transfer of prisoners within the EU
  16. Sustainable use of maritime resources
  17. The Energy Union should focus on security of supply
  18. Towards a Global Climate Change Treaty and Decarbonisation
  19. Towards a truly global fight against tax havens – proposal for an inclusive UN body to combat global tax evasion
As always, these things are on a tight turnaround, and the deadline for submitting amendments is Friday (October 23rd).

So, we've got this technology, and why not use it?

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