Tuesday, May 27, 2014

@LibDems4Change - can we leave them alone, please?

The launch of LibDems4Change last week has offered an interesting insight into the internal democracy of the Liberal Democrats, and not a very edifying one, if the various comment threads of Liberal Democrat Voice are any reflection. Attacks on 'Orange Booker subversives' or 'anti-Coalition irreconcilables' indicate that there are those on either side of the argument that simply don't get it.

This is my party. I have supported it through my voluntary efforts for nearly thirty years, carrying out a series of almost entirely thankless tasks for a mostly unappreciative organisation because of my belief in the importance of a liberal voice in a vibrant civic society. I do not do it so that others within can demonstrate a lack of tolerance that shames our claim to believe in an open, tolerant society where people work together to make our lives better.

Featured on Liberal Democrat VoiceSo, LibDems4Change have an absolute right to act as they do, even if I don't agree with them. They don't have to justify their approach, other than to make a case that allows them to win the argument. Those who believe that now is not the time to replace Nick Clegg can likewise argue their position.

But the nastiness is uncalled for, and unhelpful. If we can't treat each other with a bit of respect, why should others believe that we are serious about collaborative politics?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I'm getting very disturbed by the lack of respect shown in this debate. It's been made very clear to me that come the revolution, I'll be first up against the wall simply for asking what I thought were reasonable questions.

    For my sins I was on the Today programme this morning talking about the fact that I support Nick, but those who have signed the letter are my friends and I share many of their anxieties. I think it's been entirely counter-productive for some at the top to talk of muttering and such like.

    If you have three Lib Dems in a room, you'll have at least 6 opinions on a range of subjects. We should be able to conduct ourselves better than this.
