Monday, February 24, 2014

I've got a brand new ringtone...

We're very keen on technology, here in Creeting St Peter. Admittedly, I understand far too little of it, but one must try to keep up. Ringtones intrigue me, following exposure at work to a colleague who is a pretty serious musician. Andrew hated my ringtone, describing it as sounding like an enraged wasp, and I admit that the usual tinny ersatz tunes that you get are a bit annoying.

Accordingly, having discovered that I could upload music onto my BlackBerry, I changed the ringtone to a Bach fugue. Instantly distinctive, there could be no doubt that it was my phone ringing, and given that Andrew is a pianist, keyboard music was tolerable to him - I'm so considerate like that.

Following my promotion and change of job, we have been separated now, so he doesn't have to endure my choice of ringtone. Despite this, I have maintained the habit of keeping my ringtone as real music, and pleasantly obscure. So, here's a performance of my new ringtone by La Compagnia del Madrigale. Enjoy...