Friday, February 21, 2014

As honest doubt lies bleeding and bereft...

It has been a trying day on the internet. In attempting to defend the notion that making change is complex, and that actions have consequences, I have been accused of being in favour of the suffering of the poor and the vulnerable, the retention of Trident, the preservation of the monarchy and of wanting a disproportionately large military.

The defence put up by one formerly rather senior figure in local government is that he presumed that I believed in such things because I didn't entirely agree with him, and therefore must be bad and evil. And, having done so, then demanded that I make my position clear on all of those things. Life is, to be honest, too short. If that's the level of debate I can expect, I've got better things to do, the company of friends, family and loved ones (often combining two or more of the three), country walks and an interest in my local community, where people are generally more real and less tribal.

I have, at least for the time being, seen too much "black and white" debate, too much "I disagree with you, so you must be evil, and bad, and wrong...", even amongst Liberal Democrats. We used to be a bit better than that, something of a family, but I'm not sure that we are any more.

So, I'm going to retreat to the safety of my own small corner of paradise that is the Gipping Valley for a while, and leave the rest of you to carry on as best you can. I'm sure that you'll cope. I'll probably pop up from time to time, with some encouragement, or a moral hug, or some friendly advice, and if you need me, or want to chew the fat, or share a good story or a laugh, do feel free.

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