Monday, September 23, 2013

Like Frankenstein's monster*, my village blog lurches back into life...

In 2011, I put my village blog to bed. Frankly, the hassle that I was getting from certain elements within the Parish Council meant that it just wasn't worth it. I had intended it as a means of covering village life and, almost as much as anything else, as a means of recording events - a shared diary if one will. And, if it was of use to anyone, that was all the better.

It has now dawned on me, however, that as I'm no longer a parish councillor, and therefore not covered by the somewhat absurd 'social media policy' for councillors (shorthand for "Mark, please stop writing about this"), I could resurrect it. So, I have. Think of it as a means to cover local events, debate issues of interest to the local community and to provide an insight for those of you who live in a more urban setting as to what life in a small village is like.

Yes, there will be references to the mobile library service, but I might actually do some 'proper' journalism from time to time. And with planning applications, a solar farm, issues about public transport and the never-ending entertainment that is the Parish Council, I'm sure that I can keep it ticking over.

* Many thanks to Jennie for noting that it was Frankenstein's monster who lurched, not Dr Frankenstein himself...

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