Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Equal marriage: an accidental bystander at a historic moment

Life, I am told, is mostly about being there. And, being married to Ros, I am fortunate in being slightly more likely to be there than most. Tonight, however, was one of those moments of pure, delightful, chance.

Featured on Liberal Democrat VoiceMy visits to London are somewhat infrequent these days but, occasionally, I come to the big city for some social event or other, or to see my family. Today, it was for dinner with Ros and our guest. By sheer coincidence, I arrived just as the Lords divided on the Dear 'wrecking amendment', so I headed over to the rainbow festooned group to wish them good luck, making sure to say hello to the LGBT+ Liberal Democrats there. I then headed into Parliament to meet Ros.

Ros was on her way out though, to spread the news that the vote had been won, and clearly so too. And, soon enough, it was official, and the celebration could begin in earnest. We slipped away quietly, leaving our friends to savour a moment they have worked so hard towards.

It was a special moment, made even more satisfying by the fact that the person I love was able to make her contribution towards making it happen.

Never let it be said that there is no emotion in politics...


  1. Great turnout of our peers, too. Thanks to them all.

    What a lovely moment. You've made me go all mushy and emotional too.

  2. What Caron said, although not quite so mushy!
