Sunday, April 14, 2013

Aaaaarrrggghhh!... another intimation of failing human

I am, I must admit, in some discomfort today, although that has rather been the case for the past week or so. At least I now know why, having been diagnosed yesterday as having contracted shingles. Fortunately, it is a relatively case thus far, concentrated around my abdomen, and manifesting itself as a rather nasty rash and some decidedly uncomfortable muscular and nerve-related pain.

I can get out and about, in moderation, and have spent parts of the weekend delivering leaflets in two of our local target divisions. Indeed, given the rather improved weather, it would be a pity not to get out and enjoy the sunshine.

I'm also adjusting to my new reading glasses, which is rather more complex than one might think. Remembering to carry them around, deciding when to wear them and when not to, working out where to perch them when I do wear them, all of this is new and slightly strange.

But I am getting there, and the glasses do make a noticeable difference. And, of course, people are going to have to get used to seeing me wearing them.

Every cloud does have a silver lining though, and I have been practising peering over them in a vaguely disapproving manner, a skill which could prove useful in time...

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