Tuesday, October 09, 2012

A season of mists and mellow fruitfulness... and chocolate cake

I live in the country, a fact which is probably familiar to regular readers. One of the things that this means is that I take a rather greater interest in my community - it's small enough to do so, and most of us know each other.

So, when Ros mentioned that the Harvest Festival service was coming up, I was stirred with enthusiasm. So much so, indeed, that I indicated a willingness to get up early on a Sunday morning in order to attend the 9.30 a.m. service at St Peter's, our parish church. Well, earlyish, at least. Actually, I rather like Harvest Festivals - a bit of "we plough the fields", a touch of thankfulness for our farmers and the food that they produce, and some fruit and vegetables - and even though, as a Catholic, I prefer to keep a modestly low profile, it is part of village life.

But, as with so much of life, times change, and this year, the food that was brought was intended for the recently opened Food Bank in Stowmarket. I was somewhat surprised to find that there wasn't one already, as there isn't an awful lot of money in the town, but it will doubtless be busy enough.

It was a nice service though, with a part for the children in the story that was told, and an enthusiastic, if not always entirely accurate, organist to play the hymns for us (I'm amazed that the organ works, in truth), and afterwards there was tea and chocolate cake. All very nice.

This year, I really ought to try and make the Remembrance Sunday service...

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