Thursday, April 07, 2011

Launching the campaign in Mid Suffolk

Today saw me take an afternoon off to attend a meeting of the Liberal Democrat team in Mid Suffolk, where our campaign was launched. Whilst in some places there is glitz and razzamatazz, we're not really like that here, and it was more of a chance to find out what the plans for the campaign were, what our key issues are, and how we're going to approach the challenges presented by our political opponents.

Luckily, we've got some really good people, well attuned to the needs of their communities, and we're optimistic for the four weeks ahead until polling day. I brought along some of the material that I've produced for the campaign thus far, which seemed to meet with approval, and drew real encouragement from our leadership.

Given that I am relatively new to the campaign team, that's very important, as there are always cultural issues to be considered when you're coming into a long-established team who are used to each other's style and approach. It is only too easy to blunder in, thinking that you know everything when, in reality, you're surrounded by people who have won their seats through hard work and personal contact. They know what they're doing.

Of course, I'm really fortunate, in that I have Ros to guide me through the potential pitfalls and to manage the activity. And regardless of what happens in the next four weeks, I couldn't possibly have come this far without her help, support and encouragement.

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