Monday, April 11, 2011

For goodness sake, people, just give Ryan some money!

As one of the relatively battle-scarred veterans of the Lib Dem blogging scene, I've been linked to Lib Dem Blogs since 2005. And whilst my blog has changed a bit since then, the one consistent feature is the traffic directed to it from Lib Dem Blogs.

Not only that, but Lib Dem Blogs has been a jumping-off point for some of the most successful Liberal Democrat blogs, with new names emerging, flaring brightly for a time, and then sometimes burning out. It is, if you like, a platform for new talent.

As a result, I've tended to support it over the years, occasionally chipping in money when Ryan needs it. This month, as I'm feeling generally benevolent towards the world, I've contributed the equivalent of £1 per month for 2011, i.e. £12. That works out at about one-thirtieth of the funds needed to support it for a year, if my arithmetic is correct. I can afford it, although I appreciate that some can't.

So, if you do have any money sloshing about, and you can genuinely afford it, why not give some of it to Ryan so that he can keep this going and, better still, not have to plead for a while...

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