Saturday, September 04, 2010

Thoughts from the Train: is the Yes to AV campaign a distraction?

Given that I'm a member of the Management Board and Council of 'Unlock Democracy', this might seem like an odd question to ask. And yet, as a Liberal Democrat campaigner (never thought I'd use that phrase as a self-description but there you go...), I am caught in something of a quandary.

You see, the referendum is due to take place on 5 May next year. As are District Council elections in Mid Suffolk. Hmmm... which one is more important to me? Easy really, the District Council election, because I'd rather like to do something that might help the two thousand or so voters in my ward, whereas a 'yes' vote will make the electoral system for Parliament slightly less imperfect. It won't make a difference in Bury St Edmunds any time soon, but my active involvement in the debate is more likely to cost me votes in conservative (with a small 'c') Suffolk than gain them.

And I suspect that I won't be the only one making that calculation, especially given that a number of our district councillors are elected on local issues and knowledge, rather than on the basis of slavish devotion to their Party. It's certainly become apparent to me that getting myself known amongst the electors of Stowupland will be much more effective than just a leaflet campaign (don't worry, I keep getting leaflets out...).

There is an advantage, I suppose, in that by not campaigning for AV as a Liberal Democrat, it depoliticises that referendum. I for one can see serious problems in achieving victory if the AV campaign is seen to be a battle between political parties. Given the commonly held view of politicians and political parties, any endorsement from them is likely to be a turnoff for voters. If the electoral system in this country is broken, one senses that political parties are part of the problem, even if they might be part of the solution.

It's a pity, in truth, that as someone committed to the cause of electoral reform over many years should feel this way. However, for the first time in my political 'career', I'd actually like to win - my community means that much to me. But, if you do see a bearded man with a armful of Yes to AV leaflets in Stowupland sometime next April, it will probably be me. I just won't be wearing a rosette, that's all...

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