Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Party Elections - yes, it's that time of year again...

Nominations open today for a series of positions within the machinery of the Liberal Democrats today, as follows;
  • President
  • Federal Executive (15 positions)
  • Federal Policy Committee (15 positions)
  • Federal Conference Committee (12 positions)
  • International Relations Committee (5 minutes)
There are, in addition, two more esoteric elections taking place;
  • Interim Peers Top-Up List (15 positions)
  • ELDR Delegation (8 positions)
I have, in a spirit of openness, requested two nomination forms from the Returning Officer, and given that the election count is due to take place on my birthday, I may have more reason than usual to celebrate.

These elections are more than usually important, given the role that those elected will have in maintaining the independence of the Party, and doubtless there will be media interest in those who are nominated (are these people a threat to Nick Clegg/the Coalition?). Don't let that put you off, if you're interested and wish to serve...


  1. Just out of interest, how DOES one contact the Returning Officer to request a nonimation form, just on the off chance that someone should want to fill in their Daddy's name at all?

  2. Ah, my pachyderm friend, it is as simple as this - send an e-mail to Returning[dot]Officer[at]libdems[dot]org[dot]uk.

    I hope that this is of use to you.

  3. When do nominations close?

  4. Daddy won't know what's hit him.

    Er, whistles innocently
