Sunday, July 18, 2010

When blogging becomes a chore...

So, here I am, sitting at my desk in our new office, Kylie's 'Fever' blasting away on the speakers...

Did I mention that I'd visited the exhibition of her work at the Melbourne Museum? Probably not...

... at the end of another day in the Suffolk countryside. I've been spending the day learning a new skill - digging a small hole, putting a plant in it and filling the gaps with soil - and generally relaxing. I may be getting worryingly good at this.

On the other hand, I'm not blogging very much, mostly posting Ros's contributions in the Lords, with the occasional piece of general bureaucracy. You see, I'm just not that inspired. What I need is something to irritate me, and given that the Government seems determined not to do so, and I really don't care who Labour pick as their new leader - they all seem equally deluded - I'm having to cast the net a bit wider than usual.

And that's rather difficult when I'm generally happy. I can't even get worked up about National Express East Anglia, an organisation that takes 'customer service' to hitherto uncharted depths. My Conservative District Council is inept rather than evil, and I am partly responsible for running my Parish.

So, my apologies for the general air of calm that pervades 'Liberal Bureaucracy' at the moment. But rest assured, something, or someone, will come along to get me back on track eventually. Besides, Conference isn't so far away, is it...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for making me smile. It's good to hear you are happy.
