Monday, July 12, 2010

What a Regional Secretary actually does - the East of England remix

I've been in the job for more than six months now, so perhaps I should be able to tell people what I do. And this is it...

3.6 The Secretary shall be responsible for

(a) arranging the meetings of the Regional Executive,and keeping minutes;
(b) receiving and distributing the minutes of the Regional Party’s committees, sub-committees and working groups;
(c) maintaining an up-to-date list of regional conference representatives and supervising the conduct of the Region’s internal elections; and
(d) for ensuring that the Region makes effective communications with Local Parties and other bodies within the Party.

4.8. Within seven days of the conclusion of the elections, the Returning Officer shall send a list of the names and addresses of all Officers to the Chair of the Party in England and to the Chief Executive of the Federal Party. The Secretary shall send details of any later change of Officers to the Chair of the Party in England and to the Chief Executive of the Federal Party within seven days of such changes occurring.

4.9. The Regional Executive shall meet at least four times a year. The Secretary shall give at least 7 days notice of meetings to all members of the Regional Executive, specifying in the notice the business to be transacted at the meeting. The agenda for each ordinary meeting of the Regional Executive shall include reports from each Regional Officer and from each subcommittee of the Regional Executive and shall include a report from the Region's representatives on the English Council, English Council Executive and English Candidates Committee.

4.10. A special meeting of the Regional Executive shall be convened by the Secretary at the request of the Chair of the Regional Party or one third of the members of the Regional Executive, to deal with the business specified in the notice of requisition.

5.11 All Committees, Sub-Committees and Working Groups shall keep minutes and shall submit these to the Secretary of the Regional Party within one month of the meeting at which the minutes were taken. Such minutes shall be copied to Officers on receipt and to the Regional Executive at its next available regular meeting.

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