Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ros in the Lords - Statement on Policing (26 July 2010)

The problem with some of the more 'ideological' legislation is that the actual nuts and bolts of implementation are often overlooked. Luckily for Baroness Neville-Jones, Ros actually understands how this stuff works in reality...

Baroness Scott of Needham Market: Perhaps the Minister can clarify the expression in the Statement that the new commissioner will "set" the budget. Do the Government really mean set the budget, or do they mean manage the budget within its existing parameters? For example, do they intend to retain the precepting arrangements whereby it is the local authority which levies it? If they do, how can this flexibility be exercised within the context of a council tax freeze, which would impact on police spending as well as local government spending?

You see, it's more than simply passing legislation, it's about understanding the consequential things. So, Baroness Neviile-Jones has promised to see if there's a grown-up available to explain how the mechanics work. I wish her well in that quest...

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