Monday, June 28, 2010

Liberal Youth: It's the final countdown!

Yes, polls close tomorrow and for the myriad candidates, the tension really starts.

However, for those of you who enjoy the excitement and humour of a good count, the results show will commence at 1 p.m. tomorrow (Tuesday) at Party HQ in Cowley Street, where my team of wizened Italian democracy engineers and I will attempt to demonstrate what you can do with an 'O' level in Mathematics, a sense of humour and a lot of imagination. I'll be live blogging the results as best I can, which will doubtless improve the visitor numbers at 'Liberal Bureaucracy' (cynical, moi?).

Naturally, I'll be starting with the election of a new Chair, working through the posts, with the English Convenor being declared last - unless I change my mind (and that's always possible).

Bonne chance to one and all!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Mark. The count last year was great fun!
