Saturday, June 26, 2010

Liberal Bureaucracy, in conjunction with the Party Presidency, opens its new office!

It has been a long time in the building, but today saw the 'official' opening of our new office. All of my stuff arrived from storage yesterday morning, and Ros and I have spent two days unpacking and putting away a whole bunch of stuff. I've reassembled the PC, printer and other stuff, and I am now sitting on our new office chair (built by my own fair hands), at our desk, looking out across our garden (the less said about that, the better, I'd say).

We have bookshelves to keep our papers and books organised, a CD rack (my classical music collection is back in my own hands after more than a year), and even a separate WC so that we don't have to go back into the house if nature calls.

What this means is that I can actually function as a bureaucrat for the first time since the house in Kingsbury was sold. It also means that Ros can do her research from home, respond to correspondence easily, and is able to function as Party President when not in London.

All in all, it's pretty exciting. And now that it's done, I can catch up with everything else...

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