Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I refuse, I refuse, I defy inhibition, escape definition...

About a year ago, following the expenses scandal, I politely told the blogosphere to get lost, in that I gave up commenting on internal party affairs. Well, now I've changed my mind. Given that there will doubtless be keen interest in the affairs of the coalition, it is perhaps more important than ever that someone gives some thought as to how the Party is redesigned to face the challenges ahead.

And there are many challenges ahead. How do we make policy in government, especially when that government is a coalition? Do fixed term Parliaments allow us to rethink how (and when) we select candidates? Indeed, who leads the Party beyond the Government? And don't even start me on diversity... yet.

There will be those who see my writings as a stalking horse for others in more influential positions in the Party. Relax, my friends, they aren't. But as a Regional Officer, I want a roadmap towards the next General Election, I want to be able to plan effectively. I'm probably not alone...

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