Friday, March 05, 2010

Wikio rankings for March - how are you all getting on?

Perhaps I've missed something this month, but there hasn't been a report on the LibDem Wikio rankings this month so, what's happened? The results are;
  1. Liberal Democrat Voice (6th) (down 1)
  2. Mark Reckons (20th) (up 1)
  3. Stephen's Linlithgow Journal (48th) (no change)
  4. Liberal England (51st) (down 7)
  5. Liberal Vision (61st) (down 10)
  6. Caron's Musings (62nd) (down 4)
  7. Andrew Reeves' Running Blog (65th) (up 15)
  8. Mark Pack's blog (67th) (up 3) 
  9. Peter Black AM (71st) (down 14)
  10. Quaequam Blog! (77th) (down 12)
  11. Miss S B (Jennie Rigg) (89th) (down 13)
  12. Freethinking Economist (98th) (new entry)
  13. Lynne Featherstone's Parliament and Haringey Diary (100th) (down 15)
So, it's goodbye to The People's Republic of Mortimer and to the Bracknell Blog, but we welcome Giles Wilkes, the Freethinking Economist, who has made a pretty sensational debut, might I suggest...

I also note that there are three blogs based north of the border in our top seven. I'll be in Perth tomorrow for the Scottish Conference, weather permitting, so maybe I'll be able to discover if it's something in the water.

1 comment:

  1. Mark - you may have missed the comment from Jonathan that he was passing on the torch as it were to me? The second of my monthly tables is here.
