Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Style and the bureaucrat

It's been a long march towards adopting a fashion sense, here at 'Liberal Bureaucracy'. My long-held reputation for waistcoats and bow-ties failed to survive the onset of general largeness.

Exposure to all things American led me to adopt a vaguely Midwest college professor style but, in truth, my unexpected marriage into the nobility meant that, on occasion, I was going to have to essay something more formal. As someone who has studiously avoided suits, this was always going to be a bit traumatic. It has taken the best part of two years, but I am finally beginning to adjust.

I have started to renew my shirt collection, added some new silk ties, and appear to be getting the hang of colour. Apparently, the idea is that the colours you wear shouldn't clash...

There are, I must admit, suits involved, something that I have particularly struggled with. Having always preferred comfortable and/or flamboyant over fitted and formal, the need to conform with expectation is a new challenge.

All that said, I'm beginning to enjoy myself a bit. I plan to experiment with colour a little in the coming months, and perhaps a few accessories may appear. We'll see how it goes...


  1. "Apparently, the idea is that the colours you wear shouldn't clash..."

    * cries *

    If even YOU are succumbing to bland stylistic conformity, what hope IS there?

    * mourns *

  2. Jennie,

    Alas, I am to be enslaved by conformity, if only a bit. However, I could have some fun with ties and stuff.

    Have faith, my friend, have faith...

  3. Apropos of nothing, for some time I have been of the belief that more men should wear cravats. Preferably whilst twirling their moustaches and raising a laconic eyebrow...

  4. Jennie just cause colours shouldn't clash doesn't necessarily lead to bland conformity. As Lady Mark will attest I carried off on Sunday.

  5. Jennie,

    It's true. Stephen's ensemble was bold, yet tasteful. I did wear a cravat once, for a wedding. It was described as being crushed strawberry in colour...
