Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Liberal Youth: wanted, someone else who can count

A Returning Officer's work is never done and so, with a new Federal Executive mostly in place, there is a vacancy for the position of Vice Chair Finance, following the elevation of Alan Belmore to the position of Supreme Leader (and no, that doesn't mean that he's the senior backing singer for Diana Ross, although, now that I mention it, why is that so ridiculous?).

So, in due course, a calling notice will be issued for a co-option to last until 30 June. As a one term Treasurer of the Young Liberal Democrats of England (1992 wasn't a great year...), I know how difficult the job can be. However, with Katy in the office and Alan to handover, anyone who wants to take on the role shouldn't feel overwhelmed.

But, in an attempt to inspire someone to run, here's a video from a time before any current Liberal Youth member was born...


  1. Phew! As much as it's nothing to do with me anymore, was worried from the title that the youth wing would claim another scalp for the 'had enough' brigade.

    Stick with it sir. Know what a tricky task it can be. 10 points you.

  2. Gez,

    Thanks for the support. I'll limp on through the next set of elections, and then it's for a new Executive to decide whether to offer me a new contract...
