Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Liberal Youth: they call me the Count... yes, it's results time!

Never being one to delay a result, I, Mark Jonathan Valladares, being the Returning Officer, blah, blah, blah...

The number of ballot papers issued was 86, of which 76 were returned.

For the election of the Chair, there were 75 valid ballots cast, with one left blank. Accordingly, the quota was 37.51 and the votes were cast as follows;

Alan Belmore - 51 votes
Sam Potts - 21 votes
reopen nominations - 3 votes

I therefore declare Alan Belmore to be duly elected to complete the current term, due to end on 30 June. As a result, there will need to be a co-option to fill the now vacant position of Vice Chair Finance. More news on that later...

In the election for Vice Chair Campaigns, 74 valid votes were cast, with a quota of 37.01, and the result was;

Matthew Folker - 61 votes
reopen nominations - 13 votes

I therefore declare Matthew Folker to be duly elected, on the same basis.

In the election for Vice Chair Communications, 71 valid votes were cast, the quota being 35.51. The result was;

Nathan Khan - 27 votes
Charlotte Henry - 36 votes
reopen nominations - 8 votes

I therefore declare Charlotte Henry to be duly elected, again until 30 June.

Finally, for this report, the election for Vice Chair Membership Development saw 75 valid votes cast, with a resultant quota of 37.51. The result was;

Paddy Elsdon - 65 votes
reopen nominations - 10 votes

I therefore declare Paddy Elsdon to be duly elected.

Soon, on 'Liberal Bureaucracy', the results of the General Executive Member by-election... 


  1. Really must stop misreading headers. My reaction was "Oh, I say, that's a bit off!... Oh, COUNT!"

  2. Do I need to make the header a little bigger? I know, purple on a black background...

  3. You could try Pale Lilac or try writing it In Rock or if doing it mechanicly on your scull using water and Smoke.
