Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Darrell and Jane - is it me, or have they never been seen together in the same room?

It is only at times like this, early in the morning when it's a bit too sticky to sleep, when ideas pop up like mushrooms.

So, is it me, or are Darrell Goodliffe and Jane Watkinson the same person? And why do they publish the same postings at slight intervals? Don't get me wrong, it isn't a criticism, it just confuses me when I read Lib Dem Blogs using my BlackBerry and the same title appears twice...


  1. I enjoy playing "guess which blog" from the titles on Lib Dem Blogs.

  2. We are in a relationship!!!!!!! lol!:)

    We publish at the same time as we both do the blog.

    Here is a picture to prove it:


  3. Mark,

    We are in a relationship and write the blog posts jointly and publish them at the same time. We are in the same room on the same PC and that's why the slightly different intervals.

    We often write about different things at differing intervals so am a little bemused by this post.

  4. Darrell/Jane,

    Don't mind me, I was just curious as to why you would each post the same thing so close together timewise. I've accidentally posted the same thing twice when my internet connection has been behaving erratically, but that didn't explain your situation.

    And, of course, I didn't know that you were in a relationship... So I'll leave you to it... thanks for the explanation!

  5. And very lovely you both look too ;-)

  6. Thanks Liberal Neil :)
