Friday, June 12, 2009

Day 3 of Niceness: is there anything better than a nice cup of tea?

As a faceless bureaucrat, there is little that I enjoy more than a good cup of tea. And, at Liberal Bureaucracy, the blend of choice is 'Captain Scott's Strong Blend', described as a strong refreshing tea of history and distinction, originally blended for Captain Robert Falcon Scott on his 1910 Antarctic expedition, which is purveyed by Tesco.

Recently, however, our local branch stopped stocking it, and as supplies ran low, we began to fear that someone might have to organise an expedition to find a new option. Indeed, this morning, the last of our stock was drunk.

In hope rather than expectation, we called in this afternoon at the Tesco Extra in Royston. A glance at the shelves failed to find anything, and Mrs Faceless Bureaucrat wandered off to pay for our other items. In despair, I scanned the shelves again and, lurking on a shelf at the end, a miracle! Boxes of Captain Scott's Strong Blend. So I bought four boxes, enough to keep us going through the summer.

A nice cup of tea beckons, and not only that, the healthy glow that comes from helping to support the conservation of Scott's Huts in the Antarctic, as 5p of the cost of each pack goes to the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust.

I may be gone some time...

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