Monday, June 22, 2009

Another typical Monday morning in Stowmarket...

As a commuter for many years in London, I grew used to a routine. Get up, shower, dress, grab a bite to eat, head to the station, bitch about the fact that my train was late/overcrowded/cancelled (delete as applicable) and arrive at the office in a mildly irritated state.

This morning? Drop Ros at the station, stroll into the centre of Mid-Suffolk's metropolis, stroke the ginger cat that is sitting patiently outside 'Milpets', Stowmarket's number one shop for your petfood needs, walk to Pickwicks for breakfast (yes, there would be pork involved). Check 'Lib Dem Blogs' to see what's happening in the world of Liberal Democracy, pay for breakfast. Walk back to station, stopping to stroke cat (still waiting patiently for 'Milpets' to open, it seems) and noting the number of ducks in the churchyard, buy copy of 'The Times', catch train. Read newspaper in comfort, listen to music on laptop, write blog entry, watch countryside (sheep, horses, cows etc).

Meanwhile, Cincinnati sleeps and dreams of hunting antelope on the savannah...


  1. I trust the world of Liberal Democracy was every bit as exciting as you'd hoped.

  2. Indeed Mr Quist, it most certainly was. I particularly enjoyed a piece from an up and coming blogger about the expectations we have of our MP's. Very well written, very salient...

  3. Rural idyll appears to suit you, Lady V.
