Friday, May 15, 2009

Ah, that might be my fault then... sort of...

Ros's message to Party members, and her earlier blog entry have drawn some interesting comments. I'm not going to respond to them - that isn't my job, nor does my opinion matter particularly. However, the sight of my fellow Party members with the sun glinting off their pitchforks and the smell of burning torches in the air does oblige me to provide a little information...

Ros is in Cornwall, campaigning with our candidates for the critical Unitary and European elections there. She isn't carrying a laptop, her PDA reception is bad, and she's spending all of her time meeting the public. Her blog entry was dictated down the telephone line so that I could type it into Blogger this morning (by the way, the language is hers - the emphasis of one particular sentence is my work, I'm afraid).

Neither of us could read all of the comments (a PDA only gives you the first line), and it was decided to wait until I could get to a computer so that they could be read in full. I was then detailed to publish them, which I now have. So, no conspiracy, no desire to be anything other than transparent. I just thought that I needed dinner and a glass of wine first... it's been a bloody awful day...

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