Friday, February 27, 2009

It's only a whimsical notion, to fly down to Reigate tonight...

Ah yes, another dinner beckons, this time in Reigate. It's been a pretty enjoyable day so far, having found time to meet my father and kid brother for lunch.

My father is celebrating his birthday over the weekend and, due to the difficulty in getting the family together, I grabbed the opportunity to spend a little time with him, with my brother, talking about family and stuff.

Given the difficulties on maintaining any sort of diet or exercise regime - I don't usually get to pick the menu, my routine is almost non-existent, I'm trying to develop the art of picking the least damaging options when I actually do have a choice. So I took the smoked chicken Waldorf salad which, I have to say, was very good. It was accompanied by two bottles of Viru, an Estonian beer which comes in curious octohedral bottles. Very nice, slight hint of vanilla, according to the tasting notes.

Best of all, I managed to avoid that 'I'm full and all I want to do is sleep' sensation that lunch often generates in me. Given the amount of work that needs doing, that's probably a good thing.

And now I'm on my way to Reigate. You know, I could really enjoy some fish. I wonder what they'll serve...

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