Thursday, October 09, 2008

There I was, minding my own business...

... when I heard a familiar voice (about twenty-three minutes in).

One of the advantages of being married to Ros, is that it's quite easy to see what she's up to at work. Indeed, I have a rule. If Lord Greaves has risen to speak in support of Amendment 187K, I've got enough time to get to the Lords to pick Ros up after a day's legislating.

It's a bit like 'Big Brother', although the public votes to remove contestants take place with rather less regularity. Just think of it, proceedings described by someone with a Geordie accent... "Lynne Featherstone is in the florists.", or "Jeremy Browne is buying a postal order."

Perhaps the screening rights could be used to subsidise the cost of Parliament...

1 comment:

  1. Day 3,782,347 in the Big Ben House, and Gordon is feeling like he needs to get out a bit more...
