Monday, September 08, 2008

Policy from London: a challenge from Jeremy Hargreaves

I've noticed a thread on Liberal Democrat Voice in the Members' Forum about policy making and debating at Federal Conference.

My London Region colleague, Jeremy Hargreaves, has noted that Regional Conferences are far more accessible yet don't tend to be fora for policy discussions. He is, unsurprisingly, quite right.

So here's a challenge. I'm willing to sponsor a motion at the Regional Conference if someone has anything they want debated. It doesn't have to be on an issue that relates solely to London, although if it was relevant to Londoners, that would help. Some ideas that might be a starting point include the shape of London government - we've had eight years of the GLA, what would we like to see changed? Perhaps a policy for usage of the Olympic facilities post-2012, or the question of airport development for London.

If someone wants to start the ball rolling, I'd be delighted to hear from you...

1 comment:

  1. Really? Londoners have an assembly, with Lib Dem representation, I'm *amazed* there isn't policy debating as a matter of course at your regional conferences! There certainly is in Wales!
